Bournemouth Eagles
Club ID: TOP000027
England, Dorset

Contact: Colin Rutland
Contact this club via e-mail form
Home tel: 01202 512195
Mob tel: 07305334270
Venue: Winton School
Winton Way
BH10 4HT Click to see map
Courts: 4

Club nights played at Winton Academy Thursday nights 8pm-10pm on 4 courts. Match nights Tuesday 8pm-10pm, please have all your team there promptly. We have 2 teams in the Dorset League & Mixed League & also run 4 mens teams. Potential new members of a good standard are always welcome but we are not a pay and play club. Please visit our website at: for more information.

ContactJob roleHome telWork telMob telAddress
Colin RutlandCommittee01202 51219507305334270
Hayley MackayDorset League 2 Captain
Liam BowaterMxd1 Captain
Mark RutlandMens 1 Captain07498046214
Mike DaveyChair person
Nathan Wyndham-BirchMens 4 captain
Sarah RutlandTreasurer, Mxd2 & Ladies Captain01202 5121950730533427067, Leybourne Ave, Bournemouth, BH10 6ET
Steve ExleyMens 3 Captain
Tessa ParhamClub Secretary
Tom WellmanDorset League 1 Captain

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